Marketing Materials Reflection

For the Marketing Materials project, my group was charged with updating NICE's Welcome Kit handout and their Annual Report.

While brainstorming ideas and doing preliminary research about what to do with NICE’s Welcome Kit handout, my group discovered that NICE’s Welcome Kit was completely plagiarized from another refugee charity. Needing to do a total redesign of NICE’s Welcome Kit handout, the first major thing to consider was the potential audiences that would be reading such a handout. Such audiences that immediately came to mind were large churches or other charitable organizations (rather than individuals), since the dollar amounts of each separate kit ($200 — $300) were a bit more than we felt the average American would feel comfortable (or could even afford) spending. However, we were not comfortable feeling like the audiences that would see this and actually wind up donating were so limited, so we had to come up with a way to include people on a more individual basis. The answer to this problem was actually quite simple. To widen the spectrum of those we felt could potentially donate, we opted for a little disclaimer at the bottom of the handout specifying that any donation, no matter if it is a completed kit or not, is much appreciated. Through this disclaimer, the range of potential donors is broadened from those able to afford hundreds of dollars of disposable income, to those simply wanting to give back. To put it quite simply, there are many more people able to afford $25 of food or toiletries than $200+ for a complete kitchen set up (including: pots and pans, dishes, utensils, and several appliances).

As for designing the Welcome Kit, we were instructed to use the Jacquelyn’s template for the Childcare and Information flyers. This actually worked largely to our favor, as we didn’t have to put too much effort into developing a design, and the aesthetics of template (simple, concise, only the necessary) were actually what we had intended for the redesign. Using this template also provides a much stronger brand appeal to NICE, since their all their flyers/handouts now have a consistent format.

When considering the Annual Report, we felt that this was the place for NICE to be as detailed as possible in everything that they do. The more detailed information NICE provides about all of the practices, the more transparent NICE will be, and the more transparent NICE becomes, the more comfortable potential donors will be giving to NICE. However, due to time constraints and personal lives, finishing the Annual Report became unrealistic, and we were unable to complete the assignment, though we do have a significant portion completed. The portion of the Annual Report that we do have completed is a good representation of the direction we want the Annual Report to head in. It needs to be consistent with NICE's other branding materials, the text needs to be clear and concise, yet not too brief, and the whole report needs to embody everything that NICE is.