Haile-Montana Di Tieri

Professional Writing

Writing and Design Choices

The audience, design, and writing choices we made in our group as far as social media growth were very tricky. It is tempting to say that our writing choices were made with the audience of people who look on NICE's social media page for events in mind. All including refugees, donors, and volunteers. But, as we grew in our project, we realized we were writing more for the people who would, in turn, be writing for these other groups. We were writing for future interns and employees and volunteers at NICE. We were writing more of an instructional guide for the individuals using these accounts in the future. The people who would actually set up the Instagram and link all of these social media accounts together. And this changes our audience drastically. This changes everything we write from an advertisement to step-by-step instructions. We needed to realize that the people who would be doing these things might not be as tech savvy with these various programs as we were and I think that was extremely important to keep in mind.

As a group, we definitely learned a lot through this process, and realizing who our audience was helped influence the design portion of things as well. We made the designs as sort of advertisements in a way, trying to get the people at NICE to see the necessity of them and how attractive and aesthetically pleasing these designs could look once executed properly. Constructing designs this way allowed us to see them better as well and not just from a limited angle as we were prone see them as beforehand. Our designs were like persuasive essays for those who were going to view them and then decide if this form of social media was worthwhile to continue using. It had to be convincing.

This is in part why we tried making it as readable as possible for the reader. When something is difficult to read, the reader might just stop reading entirely. If it is easy to read however, there is less of a chance that the person reading it will become agitated with the entire thing. When someone is learning how to do something new, it is easy and even understandable for them to grow increasingly frustrated because this is a new and foreign concept for them and we constructed our designs, in image as well as instruction, with that in mind. When people are less frustrated, they are more likely to like the things you have to say or the images you have to show them and they will, one the whole, be more open to your ideas.

Marketing Materials PDF