
Class Magazines Project (revised)

Your final project for this class will allow you to utlize the skills you've been learning during our design labs by remediating your two print articles for an online magazine. Essentially, I am asking you to take the text, illustrations, and the overall design of the print versions for both your feature article and your commentary article and put them into an online format using Dreamweaver. A majority of the remaining time for this semester was supposed to be in class work for you to complete this, so many of our upcoming days will not have a class activity in order for you to work on this project.

Your final design for both articles should allow you to develop new skills in HTML/CSS, but it should include at minimum the following:
1. You must include a style sheet with at least six instances in use (IDs, styles, or defining an existing tag) with a range of declarations.
2. The articles must include a masthead (title of online magazine typically a centered image) and a navbar linking both pages together.
3. Each article must include at least two images that are sized and referenced properly.
4. Each article must include at least one external link.

The magazine should be representative of your best work, and if you want to submit one or both of your articles for a higher grade, you may do so by including a cover letter with each article explaining the changes you made in response to feedback. If you wish to allow your Feature article and Commentary article grades to stand, you do not need to submit a cover letter.

Presentations will be held as an optional synchronous Blackboard Collaborate (or probably Zoom) session on the day of the final exam.

Final Site Design Due: April 24th at 9am

Final Presentations: April 24th at 9am