“The medium is the message.” As Marshall McLuhan’s oft-quoted statement suggests, writing is more than merely putting words on a page. How do the forms we choose create meaning? As a class, we’ll investigate this question by writing within a variety of professional genres (grants, pamphlets, websites, Tweets®, reports, etc.) to learn to pay attention to both the form of a message as well as its content. As a Service Learning course, we will be working in partnership with the Nashville International Center for Empowerment (NICE) to craft documents in support of this organization that provides services to immigrants who arrive in Nashville. One early class meeting will involve a trip to the organization, and other class field trips may also be involved. In the classroom, we will be learning to use a variety of industry-standard software platforms such as Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and HTML/CSS code to create the necessary documents for NICE.